Design-Build project on four separate sites which required the following work:
Calcasieu Loop Road – Demolition of existing 84” steel pipe culverts and replace with new double-row 7’x7’ reinforced concrete box culverts. Work included clearing and grubbing, demolition, temporary bypass culvert construction, excavation, dewatering, concrete mud slab construction, limestone subbase, placement of reinforced concrete box culvert sections, flowable-fill backfill, structural concrete headwalls and wingwalls, placement and compaction of select import fill material, limestone roadway construction, slope grading, riprap placement, and turf establishment.
Grant Road – Work included clearing and grubbing, grading of earthen subgrade for future roadway construction, ditching, slope grading, and turf establishment.
Edwards Loop Road – Work included clearing and grubbing, subgrade preparation, installation of new culverts and headwalls, limestone roadway construction, ditching, slope grading, riprap placement, and turf establishment.
Haymon Road – Work included clearing and grubbing, subgrade preparation, installation of new culverts and headwalls, limestone roadway construction, ditching and rock weir construction, slope grading, riprap placement, and turf establishment.